Quick Info
Book: What Have You Done?
Author: Shari Lapena
Release date: July 30, 2024
Plot summary
A teenage girl is found murdered in a hayfield, and her boyfriend, her gym teacher, and a creepy Home Depot customer are suspects.
Overall impression
I’d never read a Shari Lapena book, so I wasn’t prepared to be as engrossed in the book as I was. The author clearly knows how to sustain suspense and keep the reader engaged, and I greatly appreciate this.
This book tackles some major themes: parenting, teenage struggles, and sexual abuse. What Have You Done? highlights the relationships between parents and their teenagers and the gulf of mysteries that often exists between them. There is a sense of hopelessness for all the parents who seem to be onlookers in their children’s lives, and as a parent, I found this to be profoundly sad. Nevertheless, this book is a page-turner, and fans of mystery novels should definitely consider reading it.
What I loved
The author gets right into the story, and this is so refreshing. We’re not left wondering who’s doing what or what’s happening. We immediately know the problem and the players, and we’re invited to solve the mystery.
I was also impressed by the author’s understanding of the demographic she’s writing about. This understanding shows in the way she carefully presents relatable characters and gives us insight into their thoughts.
This leads me to the author’s use of perspective. This book has several perspectives that help the reader solve the mystery. Although the dead girl’s perspective gets a bit confusing at some point, it sets the stage for the big reveal at the end. These pockets of perspective provide a variety of narration that broadens the story for the reader and keeps them interested.
Another thing I’m immensely grateful for is how the author spares the reader the gory details of sexual abuse. Rather than spotlight it, she gives it a momentary gaze.
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What I wished for
I was quite disappointed by the end. Even though I could tell that the culprit was the culprit (really trying not to give anything away here! 😀), I wished the character had been well developed so that we could accept that this seemingly nice person had such sudden, psychopathic tendencies.
I also wished that some explanation was given to help us understand how the ghost could be confused about her own killer. In my opinion, this loophole makes everything we’ve heard from this character questionable.
Conclusion: What Have You Done?
If you’re looking for something to keep you glued to your seat as you enjoy the warmth and beauty of summer, this is one book you can add to your shopping list.
Parents of teenagers and preteens: I highly recommend reading this book to understand your child/ward and be prepared to help them.
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